

發(fā)表時間:2018-04-23 00:00作者:張老師


1.There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.

  If you want to know why, just try going without sleep for a long period of time. You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly. You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work. So sleep is quite simply the time when the cells of your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity.

  One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are unconscious in sleep. We do not know what is going on around us. But that doesn't mean the body stops all activity. The important organs continue to work during sleep, but most of the body functions are slowed down.

  For example, our breathing becomes slower and deeper. The heart beats more slowly, and the be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake. So sleep does for us what the most quiet rest can not do.

  Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep, which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers. And even though you are unconscious, many of your reflexes(反射動作) still work. For instance, if someone tickles(使覺得癢) your foot, you will put it away in your sleep, or even brush a fly from your forehead. You do these things without knowing it.

  第1題單選 If you don't have as much sleep as your body needs, you will

  A. work properly

  B. think clearly

  C. keep your attention on your work

  D. easily get angry

  第2題單選 The cells of your body develop supplies of energy _'

  A. when you are asleep -

  B.when you recover from your work of the day

  C. in the next period of activity

  D. when you are quiet

  第3題單選 In the clause "...that we are unconscious in sleep"(Para.3) ,the word "unconscious" means

  A. untiring

  B. unmoved

  C. quiet

  D. not knowing what is happening around

  第4題單選 When you are sleeping,_.

  A. all of you reflexes stop working

  B. most of your reflexes stop working

  C. many of your reflexes still work

  D. all of your reflexes still work


 2. Ann Curry is a famous news presenter of the NBC News "Today" show. When she was 15 she

  happened to wal.k into a bookstore in her hometown and began looking at the books on the shelves.

  The man behind the counter, Mac McCarley, asked if she'd like a job. She needed to start saying for college, so she said yes.

  Ann worked after school and during summer vacations, and the job helped pay for her first year of college. During college she would do many other jobs: she served coffee in the students' union

  was a hotel maid and even made maps for the US Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most satisfying jobs.

  One day a woman came into the bookstore and asked Ann for books on cancer(癌癥). The woman seemed anxious. Ann showed her practically everything they had and found other books they could order. The woman left the store less worried, and Ann has always remembered the pride she felt in having helped her customer.

  Years later, as a television reporter in Los Angeles, Ann heard about a child who was born with problems with his fingers and his hand. His family could not afford a surgical(外科的) operation, and the boy lived in shame, hiding his hand in his pocket all the time.

  Ann persuaded her boss to let her do the story. After the story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the surgical operation for free.

  Ann visited the boy in the recovery room after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his repaired hand and say, "Thank you. " What a sweet sense of satisfaction Ann Curry felt!

  At McCarley' s bookstore, Ann always sensed she was working for the customers, not the store.

  Today it' s the same. NBC News pays her, but she feels as if she works for the people who watch the

  programmes, helping them make sense of the world.

  第1題單選 Ann Curry got her first job _ .

  A. from her friend in a bookstore .

  B. a couple of years before college

  C. at the NBC News "Today" show

  D. when she was studying at university

  第2題單選 At which part-time job did Ann Curry feel the happiest?

  A. The hotel.

  B. The bookstore.

  C. The students' union.

  D. The US Forest Service.

  第3題單選 What particularly gives her the feeling of pride?

  A. Helping'people through her work.

  B. Reporting interesting stories.

  C. Being able to do different jobs well.

  D. Paying through her college education.

  第4題單選 How did Ann help the child get the operation he needed?

  A. Ann persuaded the boy to speak on TV.

  B. Ann paid for the operation herself.

  C. Ann' s boss agreed to raise money.

  D. Ann' s news report moved some doctors.

 3 The dog has always been considered man' s best friend. Always noted for being particularly

  faithful in watching over children, he also has his place by the fireside, in the cow pasture, on the sheep range(放牧區(qū)) , and beside the hunter in forest. He is easy to train, works hard, and often performs astonishing feats. And in the frozen polar regions he was once the principal motive power,before being lately displaced by the plane and helicopter.

  Because he howls or whines in the presence of impending death, the dog was once thought to have supematural powers and believed to be capable of seeing gods and ghosts invisible to men.Actual.ly, the basis for these beliefs lies in the hound's sensibility to people's feelings and his superior hearing ability and sense of smell, which enable him to detect signs hidden from human observation. .His record of saving lives is outstanding, for he often gives waming of fire and other dangers not noticed by his master.

  The dog's major contribution, however, has been to medical research. Both his diet and his

  structure are comparable to those of the human being, and so he has been the subject of countless

  demonstrations and experiments. Open-heart surgery has been made possible largely because of the dog. But his sacrifice has repaid his own species as well by safeguarding it from rabies(狂犬病) ,distemper, and other diseases.

  第1題單選 The dog has always been noted for .

  A. protecting children

  B. assisting shepherds

  C. helping hunters

  D. herding cattle

  第2題單選1n the polar regions, the dog mainly _ .

  A. carried supplies

  B. provided companionship

  C. tracked prey

  D. herded caribou( 馴鹿)

  第3題單選 Dogs are similar to human beings in _ .

  A. size

  B. structure

  C. temperament

  D. appearance

  第4題單選 The article does not say whether the scientists' experiments-with dogs have .

  A. benefited animals other than dogs

  B. served man

  C. helped other dogs

  D. contributed to medical knowledge


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